President’s Pen – July 2023
Let Freedom Ring! On July 4, 1776, 56 men risked everything and gathered in Philadelphia to pass a resolution declaring their independence from England. Their vision, courage, commitment and sacrifice would not only usher in the greatest nation ever born, but also chart the course for a radical new way of thinking about government.
The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, aside from God’s Holy Word, are the greatest documents ever written. The principals and values set forth in...

TFRW Woman of Distinction – June 2023
Edna Staudt was elected Justice of the Peace in Williamson County in 1994 and served in that position until the 2022 general election when she resigned to give of her numerous volunteer hours to her community and Leander Area Republican Women.
Edna has been a member of the Republican Party since 1982 and served in many capacities such as Precinct Chair, Convention Chair, Organizational Committee Chair, Senatorial District Convention Secretary, and as a volunteer on numerous national, state, and local campaigns...

President’s Pen – June 2023
Today is the day! The first of many important convention deadlines is today, June 1st. If you haven’t submitted your applications for the NFRW Club Achievement, Caring for America, or Armed Forces awards you have until midnight tonight to submit them.
The 88th regular legislative session is over and as always we saw important legislation passed, but not everything we worked for crossed the finish line. Governor Abbott wasted no time and called the 1st Special Session at 9 p.m. Monday...

TFRW Woman of Distinction – May 2023
Sharon Edwards’ fascination with politics began long before she was old enough to vote. It began when she found an “I Like Ike” button at the age of nine which she proudly wore and made her feel important. She has been an active volunteer in state and federal campaigns for years, and engaged in several Get-Out-the-Vote efforts. She has held many board positions in Austin Republican Women including the position of President of the club. One of her proudest achievements...

President’s Pen – May 2023
I recently attended the memorial service of a TFRW member near and dear to many, Beryl Dowd. It was a touching service full of wonderful memories shared by several TFRW members.
As I reflected on the sentiments about Beryl, it struck me that she was the quintessential Republican woman we should all strive to be.
As Beryl did, we each need to embody TFRW’s purpose by actively supporting Republican candidates, encouraging Republican women to run for office, training women to become effective...

TFRW Woman of Distinction – April 2023
Jodie Dornak is passionate about her service for the Republican Party and is a beloved, proud member of the Village Republican Women in Harris County. She grasps the seriousness of the challenges facing our nation and volunteers to make a difference with an “onward and upward” motto. Jodie serves by making phone calls and sending postcards not only in her community or her state, but nationwide. She recently was awarded the Harris County GOP Lifetime Achievement Award for the countless...