Woman of Distinction – February 2025
Karen M. Marshall was born at Eglin AFB in Florida, to Air Force officers Peggy and Dave Marshall, and is the only civilian adult in her family. Her brother also served in the Air Force. She moved to Texas when her parents were transferred to San Antonio and has proudly resided there ever since first grade.
She attended St. Edward’s University and received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio.
She joined the Young Republicans of Bexar County while at UIW, since she found there were no Republican organizations on campus. It was during that time she first ran the Kid Corral at the Bexar County Chairman’s Barbecue. She helped host the Young Republicans National Federation Spring 2014 Board Meeting in downtown San Antonio, where hundreds of Young Republicans from Montana to Puerto Rico met the then-brand-new National Senate star, Ted Cruz. She served as President of the Young Republicans of Bexar County, Director of Club Development for the Texas Young Republican Federation, and now serves as the only official Historian of the Young Republicans National Federation.
Karen was elected to her first term on the State Republican Executive Committee at the 2022 Convention in Houston, and was reelected at the 2024 Convention in San Antonio. She proudly serves as the Senate District 26 Committeewoman.
Karen also serves as Republican Party of Bexar County Voter Registrar Coordinator. She created and supplies the Bexar Voter Registrar “Go Kit” bags to volunteers. She coordinates Bexar County’s 2024 nonpartisan Veteran’s Council, registering veterans at VFWs, Americans Legions and veteran retirement communities. She also does voter registration at gun shows, churches, and car shows. This year she provided instruction materials about the voting process to Vietnamese Christian churches in the Vietnamese language.
Karen has served as an election poll clerk and on the ballot board and signature verification committee. She was on the Senatorial District 25 Convention committees for three conventions and an editor/coordinator of the Platform Committee. She has been a Delegate to every Senate District and State Convention since 2006. In 2024 she was elected in Congressional District 21’s Caucus to serve as a Texas Delegate to the National Convention.
She worked for State Representative Mark Dorazio when he served as the State Republican Executive Committeeman for Senate District 25. And, she created the TXSD25.com website.
Karen is an active board member of the Camino Real Republican Women.