TFRW Newly Adopted Legislative Resolution for the 2017 Legislative Session
President’s Message
One of the goals of TFRW this term is to broaden our influence in the Texas legislative process. At the Board of Directors meeting held in Austin on October 22nd, the Board voted unanimously to approve the first legislative advocacy resolution of this term.
This resolution, entitled, “Promoting Free Speech and Transparency In Elections” follows the example of the late United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia when he said, “Requiring people to stand up in public for their political acts fosters civic courage, without which democracy is doomed.”
TFRW will be working to encourage legislation that brings the dark money of those wishing to influence your vote into the light. Big money forces like George Soros should not be allowed the opportunity to sway our elections by skirting the reporting laws that candidates and political actions committees, such as our clubs, must follow.
TFRW will not seek to curtail, in any way, the ability of any organization to advocate for candidates or issues that it deems important, we are simply seeking to foster an atmosphere of transparency that helps to inform Texas voters.
The Board felt it was important to maintain the conditions by which churches and organizations which are primarily engaged in charitable works would continue to be exempted from any additional reporting obligations.
The TFRW Vice President – Legislation, Michele Samuelson, will be developing a Legislative Advocacy program that clubs may use to assist in this important mission.