TFRW July Woman of Distinction
We are excited to honor Alma Perez Jackson, newly elected Vice-Chair of the Texas Republican Party, as TFRW’s Woman of Distinction for the month of July! Ms. Jackson is a member of the San Antonio Republican Women’s Club, and a dedicated activist for the Republican Party. Among the many things Ms. Jackson has done for Texas are the following: serving as a Republican Precinct Chair from 1987-2016 and SREC member from 2014-2016, as well as stepping up to run for political office. Her newest success is being named Vice-Chair of the Republican Party of Texas at our state convention in San Antonio this past week!
To learn more about our Honoree, here is a short biography, in her own words:
I was born in Laredo, Texas. When I was very young, my family moved to San Antonio, and my parents taught me and my seven siblings that living in America was an honor and a privilege.
In 1978, I married my best friend Christopher Jackson, a police officer and Vietnam Veteran and together we raised three children. I love being a grandmother to eleven grandchildren ranging from ages 1- 24.
A problem solver by nature and wanting to care for my young children myself and also contribute to the household income, I started and successfully operated a daycare small business for more than 16 years.
A strong proponent of education, I elected to go back to school in 1995 and attended San Antonio College achieving a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Texas at San Antonio.
A proud Texan and a leader in the community, I eagerly volunteered in projects to improve the lives of working families. Retired now, but most days you will find me out among the citizens of Bexar County working hard to grow our local GOP while discussing our conservative positions on job creation, taxes, local control of schools, limited government and support of law enforcement, second amendment rights and property rights.
#Pro-Life #Pro-Family #Pro-Business
A Short History of Accomplishments
- Bexar County Precinct Chairman 1987-2016.
- Active block walker and phone banker.
- Election Judge in Bexar County for 10 years plus.
- Ran for State Representative in District 125 in 2012
- Chairwoman, Bexar County Republican Party Precinct Organization Committee. Tasked with recruiting Bexar County precinct chairmen, to fill vacant precincts, organizing training and encouraging the precinct chairmen to be more active in their precincts. Identifying leadership within Precinct Chairmen and getting them together to work to grow our Republican party and to elect more Republicans.
- Worked with south side, east side and west side of San Antonio to gain the trust of citizens in those areas, encouraging them to vote for Republican candidates and support the Republican Party Platform.
- Honored with the Republican Party of Texas Volunteer of Year Award for 2013, in SD26.
- Taught Naturalization (Civics) classes to legal immigrants (green card required). Stressing during the US political structure portion of the course, that their culture and the Republican Party’s core principals have strong similarities. Such examples of the similarities are our beliefs in personal responsibility, our belief in GOD and our belief that honest hard work are big factors toward being successful American citizens.
- Served as SREC Chairwoman for Senate District 26, 2014 – 2016.
- Ran for vacated Senate Seat in Senate District 26, January 2015.
Prior Affiliations:
- Lifetime Member of NRA
- Served as a Board Member 2013-2015, Community Project Alliance. A non-profit which reached out to the San Antonio community and whose goal was to bring more voters to our Republican Party
- Board Member and served as Americanism Chairman 2009-2012, Campaign Committee Chairman 2010-2011, 2nd Vice President Ways & Means 2010-2011, of Republican Business Women of Bexar County, (now San Antonio Republican Women)