President’s Pen – September 2024
Countdown: 66 Days!
I’m so proud of all of you and all the great things TFRW Clubs are doing to Get Out the Vote! I’m finally feeling a spirit of unity. I see everyone working together to ensure we win this election.
I can’t say THANK YOU enough to all of you as I see thousands of members working tirelessly to accomplish this goal. VEP and Team Texas knocked it out of the ballpark this month. Way to go ladies!
I hear it said in every election that this is the most important election of our lifetime. Ironic that this election is just that. America will never recover if we don’t elect President Donald J. Trump. The future of our great Republic is in our hands. Remain vigilant, stay the course, and do not become complacent. Focus on the big picture!
We still have a short time to register new Republican Voters and this needs to be our priority. Target your churches, high schools, and community events. You would be amazed at the number of members at your local church who are not registered voters.
VEP is quickly approaching our goal. Don’t stop making those phone calls. Team Texas deployed with their first door-knocking event; a huge success, and another scheduled for this month. Don’t forget to volunteer for Women for Cruz and Trump Force 47. We will be texting again for the Coalition por Texas. Adopt a candidate or volunteer to work for a local candidate. There are so many options available for you.
Choose one or several. Make the commitment to volunteer! This is our last chance to take back our Nation and we need to Keep Texas Red!
Messaging is incredibly important in this election. Refrain from preaching personality and educate voters on policy. The upcoming debate this month should be interesting. Schedule Watch Parties! Republican Women are the torch bearers of the American Spirit. We are tough! We are literally the “LIFE” of the party. We care about our conservative values. We care about future generations. We are making a difference because we care. When we come together united, there is nothing we can’t do.
So, if you’ve been sitting in your chair for the past few months saying to yourself, “I need to get involved” or, “why bother,” now is the time to get up and stand firmly committed. We can win this election, but everyone needs to “BE IT” to win it! Time is of the essence and September will be gone in the twinkle of an eye.
This newsletter is full of great information! PLEASE READ the entire newsletter.
I am humbly honored to serve you. God bless you and God bless Texas,
Zenia Warren
TFRW President
Uniting Republican Women for Texas