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President’s Pen – October 2021

President’s Message

I’ve just returned from the NFRW Biennial Convention in Orlando, and what an amazing convention it was! The resort was beautiful, the speakers were outstanding, and our delegation demonstrated the genuine friendliness and Texas charm you would expect from southern ladies. I sat on a panel in the Membership workshop where I shared recruitment ideas and was positively mobbed with questions and requests at the end of the presentation. Other states are thirsty for tools and knowledge and desperately want the success we have experienced here in Texas. I am of course, a big fan of mentoring, and took the opportunity to plug my idea of a state mentorship program, LOL. I’ll keep you posted on that one…

The evidence of our hard work was illustrated very clearly with the awards we received on Saturday. Forty-four (44) clubs received “Achievement” awards; thirty-six (36) of which were Diamond level, and Texas walked away with two of the three statewide membership awards:

  • Greatest Numerical Membership Increase in 2021 and
  • Greatest Number of New Clubs Added in 2021.

We were recognized for turning in 2,012,754 Campaign Activity Hours – a new record for us. We received:

  • The Betty Heitman Award for State Excellence (top category), AND we took home the coveted
  • The Ronald Reagan Award!

But the cherry on top of our winning sundae came at the post- convention NFRW Board meeting when our own Immediate Past President, Karen Newton, was elected Member-at-Large to the NFRW Executive Committee. I can’t tell you how happy it made me that my last official act as part of the NFRW Board was to cast a vote for “Texas and the Country!” I am truly elated that Texas will continue to have a seat on the NFRW Executive Committee and I hope that we can serve our country by sharing the successful strategies we have used at home.

I am pumped up and Ready to Dazzle! The Convention Committee, chaired by Mary Heffernan, has developed and implemented a convention experience that is sure to entice, engage, and energize even the most experienced convention attendee. The resort, the speakers, the workshops, the awards, the entertainment, the education, the camaraderie, the shopping! And did I mention the food? Oh my heavens, YUM! You may be slightly overwhelmed by all that we have to offer you, but in a good way… and I promise you’ll want to come back and do it again!

So pack something red, comfy shoes, your signature attire scarf, a little bling and your phone charger, and I’ll see you at Kalahari! Thank you for the honor of serving you. We are empowered women empowering others, and together we will continue to make Texas the leader of principled, conservative governance.

Glynis Chester, TFRW President 2020-21, with Kit Whitehill, slated for TFRW President 2022-23, and the Ronald Reagan Award.

For Texas and The Country! 

Glynis Chester, President
[email protected]
