President’s Pen – May 2024
May is here! Our Board Meeting, April 20th, was a huge success. We once again had a record attendance. I was overwhelmed with your positive energy, enthusiasm, and YES, TFRW is ready to go to convention! Thank you to all who attended and I know you will share all the great information you learned with your Clubs.
I can’t stress enough the importance of reading this entire newsletter. A recap of our Board Meeting is included as well as what we need to continue doing to win in November! In just a few weeks, not only will we have run-off elections, but we will be meeting at the 2024 Texas GOP Convention and then our work will really begin. Everyone needs to be on board doing something. Remember strength is in numbers! As you read this newsletter, be proud of your accomplishments over the past months and let’s double our accomplishments in the upcoming months. We are keeping Texas RED!
United We Win!
I am so looking forward to seeing many of you at the convention! Fiesta at the Alamo has capped attendance at 450. Our Champion of Freedom Gala is quickly approaching the same number. Our honoree for this event will be First Lady of Texas, Cecilia Abbott. If you have not made reservations, please do so as soon as possible.
TFRW will not have a booth, nor an ad in the program, this year at 2024 Texas GOP Convention. We were notified that the reciprocity agreement TFRW made last year had changed and if we wanted these items, we would need to pay for them. I assure you nothing had changed. We did comp the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) a booth and an ad as well as having a speaker at our convention. I did reach out to RPT but did not receive a response. Since we did not budget to pay for these items, we will not have them. Regardless, TFRW will make our presence known with the decorum that true leaders possess.
Our next Board Meeting will be July 26th and 27th at the Marriott in Pflugerville. The actual Board Meeting is Saturday, July 27th, at 9 a.m., the DD/DP Training is at 1 p.m. on the 26th, followed by the Executive Committee Meeting and the Patron’s Event that evening. This is the usual schedule for all Quarterly Board Meetings with the exception of Leadership Day, Legislative Day and Tribute to Women. I have included a calendar in this newsletter (pg. 33) for our events this year and next. Please join us! I promise you will leave invigorated!
I am humbly honored to serve all of you. Happy Mother’s Day!
Safe travels… See you at the 2024 Texas GOP Convention!
God Bless You and God Bless Texas,
Zenia Warren
TFRW President