President’s Pen – January 2023
Welcome 2023!
My excitement continues to build as I look forward to all we have planned in 2023! Our focus is shifting from electing our candidates to legislation, growing our membership, raising awareness of TFRW, building our leaders, and preparing for our October TFRW Convention and the September NFRW Convention.
We kicked off our 2023 programs early in December when Vanessa LaFranco, NFRW 1st Vice President, presented four extraordinary membership workshops on Zoom. Vanessa presented tools that, when applied, could benefit any club whether large or small, new or old. Unfortunately, Facebook pronounced that the presentation violated their “harassment” policy and took our video down. To say I was infuriated when I received this news would be an understatement. We are determined to get this valuable information to you and will keep you posted.
Legislative Day is on Friday, February 3rd, and once again Robbi Hull has pulled together an exceptional line-up of events. With workshops on how to use the Texas Legislature Online, how to find reliable sources, understanding the procedures in the House and Senate, and the opportunity to participate in a Mock Hearing, this is a day not to be missed. There is no better opportunity to develop your legislative skills than at TFRW Legislative Day.
Our traditional Capitol Outing and group photograph will be on Thursday, February 2nd. Don’t forget to wear RED to the Capitol so everyone will know that TFRW is “in the house!” Click HERE for more information and to register for Legislative Day.
I am super excited about the “Capital Crime and Cocktails” event Jill Tate has planned for Thursday, February 2nd. Jill’s talents never cease to amaze me, and her creativity is in full force for this event. It will be a fabulous kickoff to Legislative Day the next day. Click HERE for more information and to register for Capital Crime and Cocktails.
I hope you will consider staying over for our First Quarter Board Meeting on Saturday, February 4th. Attending a board meeting gives your club points toward the Club Achievement Award but more importantly, it affords you the opportunity to learn more about TFRW and network with amazing women from across the state. Several guest speakers are scheduled to stop by the meeting, and we will elect our Nominating Committee for 2024-2025 officers. Click HERE for more information and to register for the board meeting.
I hope many of you are considering taking the next step in leadership by running for elected office or serving as a District Director, Deputy President, or a Committee Chair. 1st Vice President Zenia Warren’s article this month discusses Elected Officer positions and the Nominating Committee. In future articles, she will share information about serving as District Director, Deputy President, and Standing/Special Committee Chairs.
In closing, I want to thank you again for the honor of serving you. 2022 flew by and before I knew it the year was over. December was a wonderful month spent on the road visiting clubs and installing incoming officers.
My visit to High Plains Republican Women in Amarillo was especially memorable. Outgoing President Jana May read the piece on the following page about “Woman.” It was beautiful, inspirational, and moving. I had a long drive that night following the meeting which gave me time to reflect on what Jana read. M
y first thought was that I thank God every day for creating me as a woman and for the incredible opportunities he has afforded me throughout my life. But I also reflected on the qualities of “woman” I have seen in YOU, our TFRW members. I have seen you endure ALL kinds of situations with strength and determination. I have seen your soft side through Caring for America projects and as you care for your families and one another. I have seen brilliance, creativity, and skilled negotiators, and I have been privileged throughout the years to share experiences, work long hours, laugh, and cry with many of you.
Many of you lost loved ones or had heavy burdens to carry in 2022, but through it all you showed strength, and I pray you felt supported and loved by your TFRW sisters and others around you.
Dear friends, never forget that you are marvelous, valuable, worth your weight in gold, and that you make a difference.
Building Strong Leaders for Texas,
Kit Whitehill
TFRW President