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President’s Pen – February 2025

President’s Message

The Golden Age

It’s an exciting time to be a Republican. So many great changes are happening in America and Texas. Thank you President Donald J. Trump for paving the way to Make America Great Again! In the words of NFRW President Julie Harris, “Where do we go from here?”

The 89th Legislature has been called into session. Bills have been filed in both the House and Senate and we have to wait to see what comes out of Committee. Bills should reach the floor, hopefully, by the end of March. In the meantime, it’s time to build our clubs and get members trained. The next Election Cycle starts NOW. Remember, it’s never-ending!

Legislative Day will be on March 20th and I hope many of you will be attending. This training will give you insight on how to explore and understand bills, how to testify, and how to talk to your Legislators.

The ABCs of Leadership training is scheduled in different locations during the next upcoming months. You may attend any training you wish. Your District Directors and Deputy Presidents are working diligently to give you the best training available to refresh you, inspire you, motivate you, and help you build your clubs.

We worked hard last election cycle! Our impact shows that you made a difference. We’ve been given an historic opportunity to ensure our conservative values are not taken for granted. We cannot sit idly complacent and expect it to happen again.

Take time to network and establish relationships with your TFRW sisters.

If you know someone who is looking for mentorship, networking, resources, training, and lasting friendships, invite them to one of your meetings. If you want to be a strong leader, an effective communicator, or even ready to run for elected office, TFRW has training designed especially for you. Take advantage of everything offered.

Please read this entire newsletter—so much valuable information is included—and please look at the TFRW website. Digital Training has been updated for you. My mom always told me, “You’re never too old to learn.” Keep an open mind to new ideas and don’t be afraid to step outside the box.

President Trump said something very important for all of us to remember. He wants to be remembered as a “Peacemaker and Unifier.” He will need our support to fulfill his legacy. Don’t lose sight of our objectives clearly defined in every clubs’ Bylaws. Our primary mission is to elect Republicans and support all Republicans. There can be no division. This is what will keep us UNITED.

In the upcoming months, there will be major changes. Stay the course and embrace the “Golden Age” ahead of us.

God Bless You, God Bless America and God Bless Texas!


Zenia Warren
TFRW President
Uniting Republican Women for Texas
