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President’s Pen – April 2021

President’s Message

April has always been one of my two favorite months. Not because it makes my birthstone a diamond—although that does a lot to commend it—but because it seems to be the month of “renewal.”

April rains wash away the grime that builds up over the winter, gives new life to budding flowers and trees, and even freshens and removes pollutants from the air. Everyone goes outside and begins socializing on playgrounds, bike trails, and at barbecues again. And for me, the Easter holiday is a time of spiritual renewal as well.

In a time where we as Republicans see a lot in our nation that is truly frightening, I say, “don’t be discouraged.” Hard times create strong men (and women), and create the opportunity for greatness. President Trump believed in the American people to such a degree that he inspired a renewal to our nation’s core. People who had never voted got on the Trump Train. Cultural voting started to decline. We began unapologetically putting America first again. The hearts and minds of millions of Americans were renewed because they believed someone in politics cared about them. We must carry that torch now.

As we head into April, I hope that each of you will take some time to reflect on what is truly important. Our challenge is to not get sidetracked with our differences, but to instead come together and move forward for the Greatness of America. Let’s renew our commitment to carry that torch! Be that leader in your community, your club, and your family who rises above petty bickering. Our conservative values and policies make sense; we just have to communicate them.

If you’re not sure how to express yourself effectively, TFRW is hosting a 3-part Zoom series on Effective Communication and a 5-part Zoom series on specific issues. On April 22nd, our beautiful and talented former RPT Vice Chair Amy Clark will begin her series with “Communicating Your Values.” Other topics will include “Difficult Conversations” and “Strategies for Speaking with the Media.” Our Issues series will include “The Systematic Suppression of Free Speech,” “The Equality Act,” “Immigration/Border Control,” “The Economy,” and “Education.” Each one will give you valuable takeaways that you can use in your conversations.

I believe in looking forward. Our greatest days are ahead of us if we have the will and desire to fight for it. I thank you again for the honor of serving you. We are empowered women empowering others, and together we will continue to make Texas the leader of principled, conservative governance.

For Texas and The Country! 

Glynis Chester, President
[email protected]
