President’s Pen – April 2020
This article is NOT about the Coronavirus – You’re welcome!
It IS about the positive impact we can make in our state and nation. Those who know me well know that I’m a big believer in finding the silver lining in every situation. It’s a choice I make because being “Polly Positive” isn’t my natural inclination. I’m what I like to call a “self-made optimist.” When the media is focused on gloom and doom and no one seems to have anything encouraging to say, I make a conscious decision to do something constructive. This week, I amped up my in-house campaign plan, bought some travel stock, and booked a vacation! The vacation might get cancelled but my time spent on campaigns will pay dividends in the fall!
Many clubs have asked how they can keep in contact during this time. Both fellowship and political training are tremendously important and both can be accomplished virtually. Your club can host free conference calls or participate in webinar training. Ask an elected official or TFRW Board member to join your conference call as a guest speaker. Have some fun by setting a “theme” for your Zoom meetings by changing the background picture. You could decide to all use a picture from a vacation, a favorite movie theme, etc. Or have a coffee hour theme and discuss how you’re staying connected. If you would rather do some campaign training, both the Leadership Institute and Governor Abbott’s team have offered us training modules in the form of online webinars. Just ask us and we’ll help you get set up. If you haven’t signed up to work on the 10K 4 10R project, this is the perfect time. Not only do you have more time to call Republicans that need to update their voter registration, but now that everyone is staying home, the odds of the phone being answered has risen dramatically.
All social media platforms are going to experience a huge uptick in usage. This is a great time to post/like/share candidate and election information as well as information about your conservative values across all social platforms. Remember to always keep posts positive! In a time where all the news is negative, people are drawn to positive messaging. Our Third Quarter Board of Directors meetings have been rescheduled to June 12th and 13th in Austin. The meetings will be jam packed with inspiring speakers and it will be wonderful to visit with all of you again! Between our June meetings, the RPT convention in July and the RNC convention in August, this will be a VERY busy summer. TFRW is busily working and planning for our events, elections, and upcoming legislative session. 2020 is a critical election year. We all need to stay positive and make the most of every day to ensure every Republican is voting from the Whitehouse to the Courthouse.
Thank you again for the honor of serving you. Together we will make Texas stronger and more conservative than ever.
For Texas and The Country!
Glynis Chester, President
[email protected]