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President’s Message April 2016

President’s Message

While I was in a DC cab last week, I had a déjà-vu moment; I was driving by the Lincoln Memorial at nearly this same time two years ago. Back then I had a nauseating moment listening to the President spew his tired lines about his party’s “near heroic efforts” to rid this country of that inexorable evil he and his minions like to call income inequality. Perhaps I’ll tell you that tale on another day.

Then, as now, I recalled Lincoln’s famous speech given on June 16, 1858, at the Illinois Republican Convention in Springfield, where he uttered the immortal phrase, “A house divided against itself cannot stand”.

Fast forward 148 years, and I cannot think of a more prescient sentiment.

All across this country our people are waging bitter battles to determine the man (or woman) best able to represent our electorate, lead our country and preserve our freedom, both at home and abroad.

We’ve only just come through our primaries here in Texas, and no candidate was able to receive a majority of our votes which only proves that we are a diverse state with diverse opinions. We, in Texas, know how to play hard, but we know how to work even harder. So many of you have given everything you had in you on behalf of your candidate and for that I am very grateful and proud.

The presidential nomination story neither begins nor ends in Texas and there are still wars to wage, for that’s what politics has, mostly, become. We may, or may not, know who our Presidential Nominee will be until the Republican National Convention in July. Some of us will be thrilled with the outcome, but obviously, so many will be deeply saddened, perhaps even angry.

But we cannot allow our deep loyalty to our candidate take precedent over our loyalty to our party and our principles. We cannot allow our disappointment to divide our Republican house. When the dust settles and November rolls around, we must remember that even the worst Republican is better than the best that the Democrats have to offer. Get up, shake it off and move forward.

And do not decide to exercise your right to abstain on Election Day. Republicans who stay home elect Democrats.

Our Republican Party of Texas Convention takes place in May. No matter what candidate or platform plank you are supporting, you must show up, work as hard as you can and then move on.

It is up to us, the grassroots leaders of our nation, to rise up and say ENOUGH. We want effective government. We want honor and integrity in our leaders. We want to hear the truth and not a basketful of meaningless political doublespeak. If there is any hope of saving the great American Dream for our children, we must unite to change things. And we can, both in May and in November. We simply must. But we can only do so if we remain united.


Theresa Kosmoski

Theresa Kosmoski NEW
