Have you joined the 10K for 10R Project?
Republican News
Join 10K 4 10R!
What is 10K 4 10R you ask?
It’s the Republican Party of Texas’ Volunteer Engagement Project’s premier effort to engage 10,000 Republican volunteers who will each be responsible for registering 10 unregistered Republicans.
How does it work?
The Republican Party of Texas Voter Engagement Project (RPTVEP) staff will provide you with a list of 10 solid Republicans in your locale that are unregistered. If you are a Deputy Voter Registrar, you can go to their home and sign them up on the spot.
If you are not a Deputy Voter Registrar, you can call them to let them know they are not registered and drop a registration card by their home; they can send it in themselves. You can also instruct them how to sign up on the Secretary of State website to receive a card.
How do I know they are a solid Republican?
The RPTVEP staff has access to data which ranks Republicans on a Republican scale from 0-9. RPTVEP staff will only send you a list of “9’s!” How do I volunteer? Simply click the link below, and fill out the information. An RPTVEP staff member will then contact you!