President’s Pen – December 2021
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I hope that you were able to share Thanksgiving with your loved ones and have plans to be together during this Christmas season. Time spent with family and friends is an acute reminder of what we are most thankful for, and also why we are involved with this organization.
As 2021, and my term as your President, draws to a close, I can’t help but reflect on the many accomplishments we have achieved over the last two years. Despite unprecedented challenges, you never lost sight of our mission and continued the necessary work to make TFRW larger, stronger, and more influential than ever. I’m so proud of the work we’ve done together, but more importantly, I’m proud of the women that I have been blessed to work with and I’m proud of you, our members. The women of TFRW are the most ardent patriots I’ve ever known, and with very few exceptions, have more common sense than is generally found anywhere in politics. You’ve got to love Texas women!
My dear friend and past President, Jody Rushton, once told me “The President of TFRW is merely a placeholder; it is her duty and obligation to safeguard the organization while using her unique talents to make it stronger until the next President is elected.” I gave TFRW my best and can confidently pass the baton knowing that the next administration, under the leadership of Kit Whitehill, will take TFRW to new heights and even greater success. Many of you have inquired what I plan to do next… I have many things I would like to do, but in most cases I’m just waiting to see what presents itself. A few things that I know I will be doing:
I plan to promote a “Buy America” campaign in conjunction with a soon- to-be-launched monthly Zoom series on National Security/Foreign Policy with Ashley Smith Thomas. If you read my article last month, I encouraged you to consider supporting only American companies when doing your Christmas shopping, and only buying “Made in the USA” products for everything else. Ladies—it’s time to weaponize our dollars! China, specifically, is a very real threat and, while I don’t subscribe to boycotts easily, thousands of women taking a stand do make a difference.
I have also been asked by NFRW President-elect Eileen Sobjack to serve on her Board. I’m very excited about this opportunity! I’ll continue working on the VEP task force this year, and of course do anything I can to ensure a successful 2022 election in Texas.
It has been my honor and privilege to serve as your TFRW President. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity and for the support you have shown me. We are empowered women empowering others, and together we will continue to make Texas the leader of principled, conservative governance.
For Texas and The Country!
Glynis Chester, President
[email protected]