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President’s Message – May 2018

President’s Message

I was speaking at Galveston Republican Women, and during the question and answer a local elected official asked me what elected officials can do for the Texas Federation of Republican Women, as we are the worker bees of the Republican Party of Texas. I did not hesitate to answer, “help us build our membership”. Membership is not a money maker for T.F.R.W., it helps with some of the bills, but we need to increase membership so we can increase the number of hours we give to Republican candidates and elected officials in their fight to keep Texas Red and keep Texas prosperous. While our membership is very healthy right now, we can always use more volunteers to work on campaign and engage others in Republican politics.


So here is the ask. I would very much appreciate our elected officials helping us to inspire others to join the Texas Federation of Republican Women. In return, Republican candidates and Republican elected officials will have the full support of the T.F.R.W. The T.F.R.W. supports all Republican legislators who serve their constituents well.

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Karen C. Newton, President
