2022 First Quarter Patron Event
Patron Event | January 28, 2022
We have an exciting and informative program planned for you!
Remember to renew your Patron membership before Leadership Day so you can attend our special event on Friday evening, January 28th.
Guest speaker Retired Air Force Capt. Joni Marquez will join us to share her testimony of what she experienced August 6th, 2011, when Taliban forces took down the United States helicopter “Extortion 17” killing al 38 occupants aboard. Those killed ranked among the world’s most highly trained and experienced commandos, including 15 men from Gold Squadron of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group known as SEAL Team 6. Just three months earlier, members of counterpart SEAL Team 6 squadron successfully raided a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and killed Osama bin Laden. In light of that raid’s success, the shooting down of Extortion 17 incited a flurry of conspiracy theories: were the Taliban tipped off; was it a trap; was it retribution for the killing? So renew your Patron membership today as you don’t want to miss what Captain Marquez has to share at this special event.
For more information, contact TFRW Patron Co-Chairs
Sherry Hurt | 432-352-5107 | [email protected] | Ector County Republican Women
Heather Stoner | 903-952-8583 | [email protected] | Smith County Republican Women