Page 11 - TFRW PNL Sept 2018
P. 11

Inspire. Unite. Achieve.


                                                    by VP Finance Becky Berger
                                                    [email protected]

                                            End of Year Fundraising
                                                   is Fundamental

            Don’t forget to get your charcoal print of Abigail   escaping sex traffickers and abusers. These women
            Adams & Barbara Bush for your auction this fall.     need to know we care.
            Contact me to get a signed and numbered print
                                                                 Be a good example of a calm, courageous, and
            by the artist, Janet Staples, for your club or County
                                                                 classy Republican Woman. You are an influential
            Party fundraiser.
            As we move closer to the November elections, you
            will need money for your blockwalking materials,       Have a wonderful fall and holidays!
            HQ, or phone bank. We all make more calls and
            walk farther if we do it together.  Make it fun by
            having a contest for the number of calls made,
            houses visited, or people taken to early voting.
            Whoever has the least donates $5.00 and helps
            with drinks and snacks to keep the
            troops working.
            Sell signs and bumper stickers for the Republicans
            on your ballot. Have envelopes printed with
            the TEC necessary info for donors to send in to
            your club. These envelopes can be a source of
            new members and associates. Put them in your
            VOTE bags that you hang on the doors in your
            blockwalking area.

            Remember you need funds for a big Republican
            winners party election night.
            Thanks for all you do for TFRW, your club,                     Be a good example of a
            community, and country.  Keep in mind the                   calm, courageous, and classy
            holidays are coming and your club can raise money
            to donate or purchase items for your local Women’s               Republican woman.
            Shelter that houses women and children who are               You are an influential force.

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