Page 9 - TFRW PNL June 2018
P. 9

Inspire. Unite. Achieve.
                       Legislative Update

                            by VP Legislation Julie Faubel
                                      [email protected]

                    President Trump is Winning at Home and Abroad

        In light of the screaming headlines, negative news, and even fake news, it is very important to cut through the
        chaos and survey President Trump’s many accomplishments to date. The following is a brief summary based on
        research from the Republican National Committee:

        NORTH KOREA President Donald Trump may meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in a “historic summit” to
        negotiate the end of North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, North Korea released three Americans held hostage,
        and [Kim] says he is willing to end his nuclear weapons program and is suspending all nuclear testing during

        U.S. MILITARY President Trump signed legislation which allocates $700 billion for the U.S. military, increases the
        size of the armed forces for the first time in seven years, and provides service members with their largest pay
        increase in eight years.

        ISIS In December 2017, coalition forces effectively regained control of all territory held by ISIS in Syria and Iraq, and
        five senior ISIS leaders were captured in a joint operation in May 2018.

        AMERICA FIRST ABROAD NATO members spent 5 percent more on defense in 2017 than in 2016 after pressure from
        President Trump, the U.S. recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocated [its] embassy there, withdrew
        from the Iranian nuclear deal, withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and withdrew from the Paris Climate

        ECONOMY The U.S. economy has added over 2.7 million new jobs since President Trump took office, is at its lowest
        level of unemployment this century at 3.9 percent, African American unemployment is at its lowest rate on record,
        Hispanic unemployment is tied for a record low, female unemployment has not been this low since 1953, and the
        number of Americans claiming new unemployment benefits has never been so low for so long.

        TAX CUTS An estimated 90 percent of Americans will keep more of their paycheck, the tax cuts will reduce
        individual income taxes by an estimated average of $1,260 in 2018, companies have announced $123.7 billion in
        increased investment back into the U.S. economy, and at least 539 companies have used the tax cuts to give pay
        raises, bonuses, benefits expansions, and utility rate reductions.
        CUTTING RED TAPE President Trump has been a deregulation “juggernaut,” with his administration repealing or
        delaying close to 1,600 regulations in 2017 (or the equivalent of $8.1 billion in lifetime net regulatory cost savings)
        and issuing roughly 22 deregulatory actions for every new regulatory action.
        JUDICIARY Trump secured conservative Neil Gorsuch a spot on the Supreme Court, had a record number of his
        circuit court nominees confirmed to the federal bench in a President’s first year, and is on track to continue his
        record-setting pace in 2018.
        HEALTHCARE President Trump signed into law a repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate, a tax meant to punish
        people for not participating in Obamacare.

        ENERGY Trump helped pave the way for the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline and signed legislation
        opening up ANWAR to drilling, which past administrations had tried but failed to achieve.

        *For more information go to

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