Page 6 - TFRW PNL May 2018
P. 6

Inspire. Unite. Achieve.
                                         Growing Your Club

                                                by VP Membership Rhonda Lacy
                                                 [email protected] | 432-553-1593

                                       Why Does an Organization
                                                Need Members?

        You might think that that is a silly question, but it’s one in which we really need to remind ourselves. Without
        members, of course, we won’t have a unified force to elect Republicans. We won’t have ‘sisters’ throughout the
        state that we can call upon to help us block walk and phone call and make sure Republicans are elected to each and
        every office. We won’t have that sense of unity, strength, and purpose to lean on. We won’t have those who have
        gone before to share their knowledge and experience and teach those who are desperately trying to hold onto this
        Republican message and values for our state, our nation. Without members, of course, we die. Unfortunately, we
        have many of our women who have not re-upped since last year.
        NOW, here’s the GOOD NEWS!!! We have EIGHT new clubs trying to begin. Yes, 8!!! I am THRILLED with this.
        However, we have too many OTHER clubs trying to die. As I speak with so many of you throughout Texas, I can
        remember when your club had 300 members and now it’s having a difficult time hitting 100. Too many clubs slipped
        from Jumbo to Large and from Large to Medium because we just haven’t gone to our friends’ doors and picked up
        their membership for this year. Yep, it takes some more elbow grease and foot traffic to get it done!

        TFRW is an incredible organization that I’ve had the great privilege of being involved with since I was a teenager.
        The organization and skills level of our ladies is top notch! Our commitment is firm. We want to rid Texas of all
        democrats. Ladies, there are MANY, MANY, MANY WOMEN throughout Texas who DO want to be involved with
        TFRW. All we NEED to be willing to do is ASK!!!

        Some of the great ladies in my hometown ate lunch together this week at a fun barbecue joint. The lunch crowd
        was lining up to order. My club President was brave and bold and went up to the people in line whom she knew
        and asked them to join. We ended up with four new members. That’s the way to do it ladies. DON’T BE SILENT! BE

        We MUST keep building this army. Our organization is letting many great women fall through the cracks because
        they haven’t re-upped. And many more great women fall through the cracks because they just don’t know we exist.

        I had one woman tell me recently that she just didn’t want to join anything that she couldn’t give 100% and that
        she was just too busy to do that at the moment. I countered with, “JOIN US NOW! OUR NUMBERS speak LOUDLY to
        the democrats and they don’t like it. You can ‘give’ when you’re able, but for now, your voice through your number,
        speaks loudly.” She answered with, “I can join for that reason. Yes ma’am!” And she did.

        PLEASE have ONE MORE MEMBERSHIP PUSH BEFORE SUMMER. PLEASE! Every single person who reads this article,
        every single member in TFRW, bring in ONE MORE MEMBER today!

        •  Keep bringing in those 2017 members!

        •  Add lots of new members.

        •  Let’s reach a total of 10,000 in the next month.

        •  Circle back around and follow-up with your members who have not re-upped. Put together another Calling

        (Continued on page 7)

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