Page 5 - TFRW PNL May 2018
P. 5

Inspire. Unite. Achieve.
                                                 Political Action

                                     by VP Campaign Activities Michele Samuelson
                                                          [email protected]

                                               Amnesty is in Play

        You can still report hours from January-March before May 31. If you have an amendment to a previous report,
        please email me at [email protected].
        The next reporting deadline for Campaign Activities Hours is JULY 15, covering April-June.

        This time of year is probably the hardest for collecting campaign activities hours. Here are some tips to ease the
        process a bit for you and your club members, and hopefully to maximize your hours.

        Ask your members to report hours at every club meeting. If your club takes a break for the summer months, email
        members to ask for any hours they spend on political action/campaign activities.

        Don’t collect hours until AFTER the Republican Party of Texas State Convention. All your hours for convention
        count! Travel time, time spent at the convention in caucus and general sessions, time spent at committee meetings,
        time spent in preparation for committee meetings, time at TFRW or other extracurricular convention-related events
        – ALL OF IT COUNTS! Send emails out to your members before they leave, and the day you get back.

        Work with your club leadership to make sure opportunities for earning hours are publicized even when you aren’t
        meeting. Statewide campaigns may be coming to your town, or local campaigns will have kickoffs. One great
        summer example where Republicans often participate – Juneteenth festivals and parades!

        Take time at a meeting to celebrate the club member who turned in the most hours the month before; have a
        small gift or perk for her! Some ideas: a gift card in a small amount, a fun coffee mug, a comped meal at your next
        meeting. Create a “hall of fame” for your members with the most hours each month – take their pictures and mount
        on poster board for display at meetings.

        REPORTING FORM UPDATE: We’ve put a link to the reporting form under “Programs” on the
        front page of the website. You DO NOT have to log in to access the form! Please use the form
        for your quarterly reports!

        Here are the steps to access the form:                            2018 Reporting Schedule for

        1.  Go to:                                     Campaign Activities Hours
        2.  Click on “Programs”
                                                                Quarter        Months                  Deadline
        3.  Select “Campaign Activities Reporting Form”         1st Quarter    January-March           April 15

        4.  Click on “Campaign Activities Reporting Form.”      2nd Quarter    April-June              July 15
        5.  THIS FORM IS FOR CLUB CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES           3rd Quarter    July-September          October 15
            CHAIRMEN ONLY. Individual members must report
                                                                4th Quarter    October-December        January 15
            hours to your club Campaign Activities Chair.
        6.  Questions, please email me at vpcampaignact@tfrw.

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