Page 14 - TFRW PNL Apr 2018
P. 14

Inspire. Unite. Achieve.
                                             Important Rules

                                                  by VP Bylaws Diane Haddock
                                                     [email protected] | 817-917-1100

                                     Amendments to Club Bylaws

        Thank you to the many clubs that have turned in their bylaws for review. Several clubs are using this time after
        the primary to make organizational plans and make amendments to their bylaws. Remember, there is a mandatory
        amendment adopted at the 2017 convention. That amendment to Article III must be added to your bylaws
        immediately. That amendment does not require a membership vote. In order to receive JGT award points, you must
        send a highlighted version of the revised bylaws to the TFRW VP Bylaws. Upon receipt, an approval letter will be
        issued and the club will be eligible for JGT points.
        Other amendments (those not adopted at the convention) must be approved in advance of voting. Likewise, send
        a highlighted version of the proposed amendments to the TFRW VP Bylaws and after a review, you will receive an
        acknowledgement letter. Upon receipt of the acknowledgement, the club may vote to adopt the amendments.
        After the vote, please send a highlighted version of the adopted bylaws and the club will receive an approval letter
        and JGT award points!

        There are several clubs around the state that are working on being federated with TFRW. If you know of any clubs
        that would like to be federated, please let them know that they must have bylaws reviewed before they can be
        considered. The TFRW bylaws and sample bylaws are on the TFRW website. If you have any questions, please
        contact me. I’m always happy to help!


                                   Hospitality is Here to Serve You

        Thank you to the four clubs from Bexar County, who made amazing and wonderful gifts for the January Board
        meeting in honor of TFRW President and Bexar County resident Karen Newton!
        Alamo Republican Women, Alamo Heights Republican Women, Bexar County Republican Women, and San Antonio
        Republican Women also received bonus points for the John G. Tower Award for 2018-2019. Clubs donating to this
        cause need only do so once during the two-year reporting period
        The donations provide snacks or small gifts to our board members and attending guests at board meetings. We
        hope you will join us at these meetings, and you will see how nice it is to have a cookie during long meetings – or a
        great piece of chocolate to keep us going!
        Hospitality is here to serve you – we want you to WANT to be part of our wonderful, hard-working organization.
        We want to help you meet new friends, provide you with information to take back to your clubs and WANT to
        become one of our leaders!
        Please call on us to help. We hope you’ll have your club donate to our cause – contact us with questions.

             Hospitality Co-Chairs | Belinda Frisk [email protected] | Patti Johnson [email protected]

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