Page 1 - TFRW Texas Star FALL 2016
P. 1

TEXAS FEDERATION OF                                                             “WE MAKE
                                                                                IT HAPPEN”
SPRING                                            ISSUE

                                                  Leadership Issue


In America we find ourselves                            TFRW ladies attend the
on the brink of a truly historic                        NFRW legislative day.
presidential election and our
votes have never meant more                             NFRW
than they mean now. We have a                     Legislative Day
                                                  Washington D.C.
monumental choice ahead of us that
will have far reaching ramifications.                      Kick off the
We have critical elections right here in                 2016-2018 Term
Texas in November, too.
Sometimes, to make a good deci-
sion for our future, we need to take
a moment to reflect on our past.
Lately I find myself pondering on
our core American values; what our
founders meant by them, and what
they mean today: liberty, equality
and self-government. It is important
to know how the candidates translate
these core values.
Liberty is mentioned in the Declara-
tion of Independence, the Constitution
and the Bill of Rights. It is what pro-
tects our citizens from unreasonable
governmental intrusion and guaran-
tees certain rights such as freedom
of expression, freedom to worship
as we choose, and freedom from
unreasonable search and seizure.
Our liberty is specifically protected as
long as it does not infringe on anoth-
er’s protected rights.

          (President’s Message Continued Page 2)
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